Lions Gate Portal - An annual event
Lions Gate Portal
The 8th August is when the Lions Gate Portal is open. It is an annual alignment of the Leo Sun and the star Sirius. It's a magical gateway filled with desires. This lunar phase is said to assist with releasing our trepidations and acknowledging our deepest wishes with the hope of making them a reality.
Open from the 26th July until the 12th August annually. The 8th is the strongest day, according to numerology. As the number 8 represents infinity and the continuous circle of life and flow of energy. The number 8 is also considered to be the number for abundance, prosperous and luck. In astrology number 8 is for power and transformation. In tarot it is strength. In any case 8th August is a powerful day. The day for courage and setting your intentions.
Focus on your goal setting - Write them into your diary or journal. Be clear about what you want. The more detail the better, If you know, then the universe knows too. Create a vision board on your phone or paper.
Carry crystals for luck – jade, tigers eye, citrine and malachite.
Practice gratitude - Take time to notice the opportunities around you.
Self care - Connect with nature and make some time for self care. Book a healing or a massage. Paint your nails. Have a soak in the bath. Take a mix of Epsom or Himalayan salt and baking soda and exfoliate your skin in a foot bath or shower.