Auralite 23 Natural Point
Appearance: Violet colour, deep purple.
Properties: Said to sweep away debris from your consciousness. Auralite 23 is primarily amethyst and citrine and gets the majority of its energy from violet coloured quartz that it contains. It is one of twelve gems of the breastplate of the High Priest and it is the stone in the ring of Catholic Bishop, hence often called the Bishops stone. Contains titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrosite, ajoite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, goethite, pyrolusite, gold, silver, platinum, nickel, copper, iron, limonite, sphalerite, covellite, chalopyrite, gialite, epidote, bornite and rutile.
Position: Place on crown or heart chakra
Photo and size are a guide
Disclosure-If you're worried about your health always see your doctor first. There are no guarantees with crystals, but they may enhance your life.