Tigers Iron Flatstone
TIGERS IRON (Also known as Muggle Stone)
Appearance: Banded. Combination of Jasper, Hematite and Tiger’s Eye.
Colour: brown-yellow-red.
Properties: Promotes vitality. Aids passing through change. Extremely helpful when deeply exhausted at any level / suffering from burn-out. Opens a space for contemplation about change and giving energy to make the change. Purifies the blood, heals hips/lower limbs/feet. Strengthens muscles, aids assimilation of B vitamins
Approx size: 4cm by 3cm. Photo and size are a guide only.
Position: Wear or place directly on the skin. Pendant is approximately 2-3 cm in size.
Disclosure- If you're worried about your health always see your doctor first. There are no guarantees with crystals, but they may enhance your life.